9 Hacks To Enhance Your Brain Power, Increase Memory And Concentration

How to boost brain power
Boosting Brain power

Regardless of the role that genetics plays in intelligence as well as the environment you grew up in, there’s several things you can do to enhance your brain power.

You can improve your memory, hone your problem-solving abilities, or simply keep your brain in great shape so that it stays sharp as you age.

Here are nine of the best techniques for keeping your mind sharp. In addition to improving your brain function, they could also enhance your manifestation skills!

1. Hydrate your body regularly

Ensure you drink a couple of glasses of water within the first 30-60 minutes of waking up if you want to feel sharp and prepared for the day ahead. After all, you spend the majority of your sleep time without drinking! As a result, your body will be sluggish and dehydrated, which will negatively impact your brain. In cognitive research on young children, it has been proven that they perform better on more complex cognitive tasks when they drink more water.

2. Listening to brain-training programs or apps.

You can download hundreds of different apps on your smartphone that will help you sharpen some of your most valuable mental skills. Some of these are free, while others may require payment to unlock all of the activities. No matter which app you choose, you can easily set aside 10 or 15 minutes a day to improve your memory, math skills, vocabulary, or pattern recognition.

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3. The Rosemary Effect

Just the scent of rosemary can enhance a person’s memory, which is a common herbal remedy for poor memories. These are the types of memories that are associated with organising upcoming events and making plans.

Research has shown that rosemary tea can also boost your memory. One teaspoon of rosemary can be added to a hot cup of water to make this tea. Add a bit of honey if you don’t like the taste.

4. Interacting with Intelligent People

Research indicates that spending time with people who embody these characteristics can make you more reflective, logical and creative. Push your conversations beyond the superficial, too. Maintain your brain’s activity by discussing current affairs or other thought-provoking topics. Conversations that are only surface-level aren’t stimulating your brain in a way that promotes growth.

5. Play Games

Playing your favorite game on your smartphone or computer might sound too good to be true, but it’s actually good for your mind! Games have been shown to increase neuroplasticity when played in moderation.

Games encourage you to process more new information than other forms of recreation (like mindlessly flipping through TV channels). Brain training apps that combine gaming and learning new skills can help you get the benefits of both.

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6. Take a nap

Napping does not make you lazy; it improves concentration. When you have trouble concentrating, napping can boost you back to productivity.

It has been found that napping increases reaction speed and improves learning, especially if the nap lasts no longer than 20 minutes.

On the other hand, a longer slumber allows you to sink into a deep sleep. You may wake up feeling disoriented and groggy.

7. Fiction reading

Neuroscientific explanations are available for when you feel like you are experiencing events described in a book.

An MRI scan of the brain shows that when you become immersed in a fictional story, your brain responds as if you were actually living through the events of the protagonists’ lives.

Therefore, reading enhances your ability to empathize with others. In addition, it broadens your vocabulary and exercises the creative side of your brain.

8. Drink Green Tea

Consider switching to green tea instead of your usual coffee if you rely on caffeine for a cognitive boost. Additionally to boosting your metabolism and possibly helping you lose weight (if you need to), green tea also provides you with a powerful amino acid called l-theanine. Researchers have found that this amino acid stimulates the alpha brain waves. This allows you to concentrate without becoming nervous or jittery.

9. Practice Meditation

You’ll be thrilled to hear that mindfulness activities and creative visualization can make you a better thinker if you practice them regularly. They teach you to concentrate for longer periods of time, block out irrelevant information, and exercise more control over your reactions to stressful situations. In just a few short weeks, just 10-15 minutes of meditation can create measurable changes in your brain’s structure.

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