12 Wise Tips to Fix a Crumbling Marriage That’s Falling Apart

12 Wise Tips to Fix a Crumbling Marriage That Is Falling Apart
How do you fix a marriage that is falling apart

Are you lying awake at night, wrestling with the heartache of a marriage that’s teetering on the brink? You’re not alone.

Many couples find themselves in the midst of a crumbling relationship, wondering how to piece it back together.

It’s a journey that requires patience, understanding, and a toolbox of strategies to navigate the rocky terrain of a broken marriage.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore 12 wise tips to fix a marriage that is falling apartmar six fatal pitfalls that could sabotage your efforts.

If you’re curious about the nature of your relationship, check out our article about the different types of relationships and how to deal with them.

1. The Heartbeat of Happy Relationships

In the realm of love, honest communication is the heartbeat that keeps the relationship alive and thriving. It’s the courage to be vulnerable, to share the essence of your being with your partner.

This level of openness is what forges a deep, unbreakable bond. It requires listening with empathy, speaking with sincerity, and valuing your partner’s perspective as much as your own.

When you communicate from the heart, you’re not just exchanging information; you’re nurturing the love that binds you together, ensuring that even the most tattered relationship can be mended.

Tip: Practice ‘reflective listening’ by repeating your partner’s words in your own to show understanding and empathy.

Learn the 13 romantic questions for couples (partners should ask each other).

2. Rediscovering Each Other Beyond the Daily Grind

Amidst the relentless pace of life, it’s essential to carve out sanctuaries of time for one another. These moments are the breaths of fresh air that revive the spirit of your relationship.

It’s about rediscovering the joy and excitement that brought you together in the first place. Whether it’s through shared hobbies, date nights, or simply quiet evenings at home, these pockets of quality time are precious.

They serve as the antidote to the emotional distance that can creep into even the most committed relationships, reminding you both of the love that’s worth cherishing.

Tip: Plan a surprise date or activity based on your partner’s interests to show thoughtfulness and care.

3. A Guiding Light Through Rough Patches

Navigating the complexities and fixing a marriage that is falling apart can be daunting. However, with the aid of a skilled couples therapist, you can find your way back to a harmonious relationship.

Marriage counseling is an avenue for growth and understanding, offering tools and techniques to improve communication and resolve conflicts.

It’s a safe space to explore sensitive topics and rebuild the foundation of your marriage.

Embracing this support is a proactive step toward healing, signifying hope and a shared commitment to a happier, healthier future together.

Tip: Attend counseling with an open mind and heart, ready to learn and grow together.

Learn the 10 reasons you may need a relationship coach.

4. The Art of Being Present

In the dance of conversation, being present is the step that matters most. It’s about fully engaging with your partner, without distractions, without preparing your next defense mechanism.

This level of attentiveness signals to your partner that they’re valued, that their words resonate with you.

It’s a crucial aspect of effective communication, one that can close the emotional distance and foster an intimate connection.

When you listen with your whole being, you’re not just hearing, but you’re also healing.

Tip: During conversations, hold eye contact and affirm your partner’s feelings to show you’re truly with them in the moment.

5. The Currency of Emotional Connections

Appreciation is a currency that never devalues in a healthy marriage. It’s the gentle acknowledgment of your partner’s efforts, the recognition of the love they pour into the relationship.

This expression of gratitude is a powerful tool against the buildup of bitter feelings and can transform a toxic relationship into a nurturing one.

It’s about noticing the little things and understanding their significance.

When you show appreciation, you’re investing in the emotional bank account of your marriage, ensuring a rich return of warmth and closeness.

Tip: Leave a heartfelt note or give a sincere compliment to show appreciation outside of special occasions.

6. The Pillar of Personal Development

As individuals, we’re continually evolving, and in a marriage, this growth can be a shared journey.

Personal development within a relationship is about more than self-improvement; it’s about enhancing the collective strength of the partnership.

When both partners support each other’s ambitions and dreams, they create a dynamic and resilient bond.

This mutual encouragement is the bedrock of long-term relationships, fostering a sense of unity and purpose.

Tip: Set aside time to discuss each other’s goals and dreams, and plan regular check-ins to celebrate progress together.

7. The Cornerstone of Intimate Relationships

Trust is the bedrock upon which the house of an intimate relationship is built. When trust is compromised, the structure wobbles, but with commitment and consistent effort, it can be restored.

Begin with small, reliable actions that demonstrate your dedication to change and your respect for the intimate connection you share.

Healing broken trust is a journey of many steps, requiring patience and the willingness to be vulnerable once more.

Through this process, a stronger, more resilient foundation can be formed, one that supports the weight of a truly intimate relationship.

Tip: Apologize sincerely for past hurts and follow it with consistent, trustworthy behavior to show your commitment to change.

8. Dance to the Rhythm of Change

Embracing change within your marriage is not just necessary; it can be a source of excitement and growth.

As you and your partner evolve, so should your relationship dynamics. This might mean adopting new roles, trying different activities together, or even altering daily routines to shake things up.

By welcoming these changes, you keep your relationship dynamic and prevent it from falling into a stagnant pattern.

The willingness to adapt is a testament to the strength and flexibility of your partnership, making every step forward a dance in the rhythm of shared life.

Tip: Plan a ‘first date’ again with your spouse, doing something entirely new to both of you to inject novelty and fun.

9. The Framework of a Healthy Marriage

Boundaries in marriage are the invisible lines that protect the integrity of your individual selves and your union.

They are essential for a healthy marriage, providing clarity and security for both partners. Discussing and agreeing on these boundaries means you both understand and respect each other’s needs and limits.

This mutual respect is the framework that supports a healthy marriage, allowing both partners to feel safe and valued.

Boundaries are not about separation; they’re about nurturing a relationship where both partners can thrive.

Tip: Regularly check in with each other to ensure that boundaries are still relevant and respected, adjusting them as needed.

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10. The Duo That Defeats Difficulties

When faced with the storms of fixing a troubled marriage that is falling apart, remember that unity is your strongest ally. Approach each obstacle as a duo determined to find solutions, not as opponents locked in battle.

This collaborative spirit is what turns a broken relationship into a fortress of mutual support.

By jointly addressing the real issues, you not only resolve the immediate problem but also fortify the trust and partnership between you.

It’s this alliance that transforms negative interactions into opportunities for growth and deepening your connection.

Tip: Hold regular ‘strategy sessions’ to discuss challenges and brainstorm solutions together, reinforcing teamwork.

11. The Spark That Lights the Fire of Love

Physical intimacy is the silent language of love that can speak volumes in a marriage. When this aspect of your relationship dims, it’s crucial to reignite the spark with intention and sensitivity.

Rekindling this connection may start with simple gestures of affection or thoughtful touches that remind your partner of the physical bond you share.

It’s these moments of closeness that can light the way back to a passionate and fulfilling intimate relationship, one that complements the emotional and mental bonds you’ve built.

Tip: Schedule regular ‘intimacy dates’ that focus on physical closeness, whether it’s cuddling or more, to keep the physical spark alive.

12. The Joy of Positive Experiences

In the quest for a happy relationship, acknowledging and celebrating each victory is vital. These moments of recognition act as beacons of hope, illuminating the path forward and motivating continued effort.

Whether it’s overcoming a heated argument with effective communication or successfully navigating a difficult time, each positive experience is a stepping stone towards a stronger bond.

Celebrating these successes together fosters a culture of appreciation and joy within your relationship, which is essential for long-term happiness.

Tip: Create a ‘success jar’ where you both add notes about positive moments or accomplishments, then read them together monthly.

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Dealing With a Crumbling Marriage, According to Matthew Coast

We asked relationship coach Matthew Coast, bestselling author of “Forever Woman”, to share his thoughts on the subject:

I know it can feel like you’re clutching at straws when your marriage is on the rocks, but don’t lose hope just yet. Fixing a marriage that’s falling apart is a bit like gardening – it requires patience, the right tools, and a whole lot of love.

First off, let’s talk about communication. It’s the lifeline of any relationship. As I often say,

“You can’t dance together if you’re not listening to the same music.”

So, start by really tuning into each other’s needs and concerns. Listen not just to respond, but to understand – this is where the magic happens.

Now, let’s get real about change. It’s scary, but it’s also necessary. Embrace it! “Change is the breath of relationships; without it, they go stale,” I always remind my clients.

Introduce new dynamics into your relationship. It might be as simple as a weekly date night or as adventurous as salsa dancing lessons.

The key is to step out of your comfort zone together.

Remember, repairing your marriage isn’t a sprint; it’s a marathon. It’s about the small, daily efforts that show you’re both in it for the long haul.

Show appreciation for the little things, and don’t be shy about seeking help from a couples therapist if you need it. They can offer invaluable insights and guide you through the rough patches.

So, keep your chin up and your heart open. With the right mindset and a dash of courage, you can turn a falling-apart marriage into a love story with a fresh new chapter. Let’s get that love blooming again!

The Pitfalls: Steering Clear of Relationship Landmines

So, you truly want to fix your marriage without falling apart? Make sure you avoid these fatal mistakes:

The Silent Killer of Happy Marriages

Your well-being is the foundation of your relationship’s health. Neglecting self-care can lead to resentment and a lack of energy to invest in your marriage. Take care of yourself, and you’ll have more to give to your partner.

The Communication Breakdown

Dodging difficult conversations is like ignoring a leak in your boat. Eventually, it will sink. Face the tough topics with courage. It’s the only way to start the healing process.

A Toxic Spiral

Blaming each other is a destructive behavior that only leads to more negative feelings. Focus on solutions, not on who’s at fault. It’s about moving forward, not dwelling on the past.

The Thieves of Joy

Jealousy and insecurity can turn love into a prison. Work on your self-esteem and trust in each other. A strong relationship is built on mutual trust and respect, not suspicion.

The Dance of Give and Take

Compromise is the rhythm of a long-term relationship. It’s about meeting in the middle, where both partners feel heard and valued. Find that sweet spot, and you’ll find harmony.

The Stagnation Trap

New experiences keep the relationship fresh and exciting. Don’t resist change; embrace it. It’s the secret ingredient to a lasting and fulfilling partnership.


Embarking on the journey to fix a marriage that is falling apart is not for the faint of heart, but the rewards are immeasurable.

With these 12 wise tips, you’re armed with the tools to start rebuilding your bond, and by avoiding the six fatal mistakes, you’re steering clear of potential pitfalls.

Remember, the road to a happy, healthy marriage is paved with patience, understanding, and a commitment to growth. Are you ready to take the first step?

What’s next?

Take the first step towards fixing a marriage you feel like is falling apart today. Whether it’s scheduling a date night or booking a session with a marriage counselor, action is the antidote to despair.

For more insights and support, explore our resources on how to save a dying relationship and learn the language of love that speaks to your partner. Your journey to a renewed, stronger marriage starts now.

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