Living In Fear? How To Stop It & Get Your Life Back

Dealing with fear
Dealing with fear

Fear permeates our life in many forms: fear of failure, fear of rejection, fear of being inadequate. And if we allow it, fear may keep us imprisoned in a cage of the familiar and predictable, preventing us from realizing our full potential. You’re unhappy with the status quo, but you’re also reluctant to try something new since you’re living in fear.

But there is also a way that fear may serve a vital function, helping us break through the irritation to attain the life we genuinely desire. That’s exactly — if you allow it to, fear may become a tool for achieving fulfillment. Take control of your fear and turn it into your greatest source of fear.

Mastering your psychology and making your dreams a reality are possible with these 10 tips.

Fear Classification

In order to overcome your fear-based behavior, you must first get a thorough understanding of the underlying psychology. Anxiety and fear have their place in healthy human psychology, but only up to a limit. When you experience acute fear, your body and mind are alerted to the possibility of danger. If you’ve ever been in a car accident, felt pursued, or had some other immediate threat, you’ve probably noticed that your heart rate increases. Exhilarating feelings of euphoria fill your body. You’re more alert than usual, which gives you the ability to act quickly to protect yourself or others. Acute fear is a normal response that helped our ancestors survive.

There is another sort of fear that arises when the acute fear reaction becomes hyper-sensitive. Whenever we are repeatedly exposed to low-level, yet stressful, experiences, we develop what is known as chronic fear or indirect fear. We may get too concerned about war, political strife, or new diseases as a result of overexposure to the news. Fear that is persistent, as opposed to fear that is acute, might impair our natural response to preserve our lives and lead us to feel that we must be “rescue” by an outside force.

Living in fear? Why Am I Experiencing That?

Anxiety disorders affect over 19% of the general population, according to Harvard University studies. They’re among the most frequent mental health problems in the United States. Chronic fear is the most common source of modern-day worry, and everything from the media to coffee has been put on the hook for it. However, blaming others for one’s difficulties has never been an effective strategy for anyone. Emotional control is a responsibility that must be taken seriously.

So, how should one go about overcoming their fear? Start to dance with it, you must. In the video below, Tony discusses how to make the most of fear rather than being controlled by it.

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Symptoms of a fear-filled life

You might be surprised to learn how many individuals go through life never recognizing they’re being controlled by their fear. That’s because fear is sometimes confused with comfort — we get comfortable with our life, and we assume that we are happy and content. One of our six human needs is certainty, but when we become too comfortable with it, it begins to stifle us. The following are a few indicators that you’re living a life of fear:

  • Perfectionism. We hide behind the urge to be flawless in order to avoid experiencing real intimacy and connection with others. This is the lowest standard in the world since it is impossible to attain.
  • Settling. Accepting less than you deserve, on the other hand, is a clear sign that you are allowing your desire for security to rule your life. Without a fulfilling, passionate romantic connection as well as a career that you like, you are living in fear.
  • Procrastination. One of the fundamental delay strategies of persons who live in fear is to put off achieving goals until “tomorrow” or “when I have more time.”. Rather than creating excuses, it’s time to take action and pursue your goals.
  • Self-numbing. Getting high or drunk isn’t necessary when you live in a lovely place. Because you’re open to the world and in control of your emotions, you’re filled with pure delight every day of the week.

What You Need to Know to Quit Fear

You’re not only anxious when you have chronic fear; you’re anxious all the time. The fear reaction becomes a maladaptive lifestyle, impacting everything you think, feel and do. Fear traps you in a never-ending downward spiral of hopelessness and resentment. The positive of fear is that the feelings around it are generally so bad that they motivate you to find another path.

Don’t allow yourself be ruled by fear. From self-care and exercise to seeking professional help, there are various options for overcoming fear. Finding serenity is possible only if you’re willing to face your anxieties in order to discover new ways to conquer them.

1) Find out what is causing you to feel anxious

Anxiety has taken over your life if you’re living in constant fear of something bad happening. As a result, you’re continuously thinking about your issues, but you don’t pay much attention to what’s going on behind them. You must identify the source of your anxiety if you are to put an end to your paralyzing fear.

Make a list of all the things that come to mind. When you’re done, circle the tangible concerns — anxieties that your house will burn down, your kids will disappear, or you’ll lose your job tomorrow. Writing out a few things you can do to avoid these things from happening can begin to give you a sense of power and control. Fears of a catastrophe, an extraterrestrial invasion from Saturn, or the collapse of the global economy are all intangible worries. This has a very low probability, but you’ll also notice that these anxieties have a deeper basis. If your anxieties fall into this category, you’ll need to perform some self-reflection to find how to quit living in fear.

2) Be conscious of the fact that life happens for you (not to you)

Life doesn’t happen to you; it occurs for you. In order to reach your full potential, you must first fully grasp and embrace this notion. When you stop blaming others and take control of your own life, you’ll discover a world of possibilities. And when you see the world as a place of opportunity, not hurdles, you don’t allow fear govern you.

The aim for understanding the root of your worry isn’t to offer you an excuse to keep living in fear. The goal is to empower you to take back control of your life from your anxieties. Identifying the source allows you to alter your tale and your thinking. When you realize that you have an option, the next step is to take action. You have the option of blaming external factors for your feelings, which will just make you feel more out of control. Or you may take command of your life and learn how to quit living in fear.

3) Stop making excuses for why you can’t do anything.

As with assigning blame, making excuses is a way for us to avoid dealing with the issues that are plaguing us. There are many of reasons to put off fulfilling our aspirations and goals, such as: I don’t have enough time, money, or resources, I have a family, or I’m too busy. As a result, we begin to make excuses rather than taking concrete steps to go forward.

Excuses are comfortable while we’re living in fear. They’ll be OK. However, making excuses will put you right back to where you started, too. That’s something to keep in mind the next time an explanation pops into your head. Are you actually where you want to be in your life? If that’s the case, are you choosing fear over adventure because you’re afraid to take on a challenge? The more you become aware of your brain’s tendency to create excuses to avoid responsibility, the better you will be at discarding them.

4) Your “shoulds” should be replaced by a list of “musts.”

If reaching your objective is an essential need, then nothing else counts in your mind. There will be no need to make any sacrifices. Excuses are no longer an option. You’ll go to any lengths necessary to make it happen.. Period.

Even the most successful individuals feel like they’re living in fear occasionally. The difference is that rather of allowing fear to seep in and drain the life right out of their aspirations, they know that the price they will pay if they don’t give their goals and visions every ounce of energy and attention they have is far scarier. What they actually fear is settling for less than what they really desired in life and settling for a mediocre existence. It’s not an easy task to change your thinking and viewpoint.

Take a moment to see yourself at the age of 80, approaching the conclusion of your life. Sitting in your rocking chair, you take stock of your life and the choices you’ve made. Think about your life as if you hadn’t accomplished what you want right now. What impact has this had on your life? Do you have any regrets in your life? What do you wish you could have done more of but didn’t have a chance to? What do you wish you had done instead of what you’ve done thus far? Is there remorse and remorsefulness? Think about it: “What if…?” In this way, you may utilize fear to push you toward your ultimate objective.

5) Make the decision to adopt a mindset that encourages growth

People frequently lose up on their dreams because they think that achieving their goals is beyond their skills. They continue living in fear and settle into their existence, thinking that their aim is impossible therefore they don’t even bother. It’s a development attitude that sets the most successful people apart. In their minds, their skills aren’t set in stone, but rather, they’re malleable. And when faced with a setback, they push even harder. They change their tactics. Their search for an answer continues. When the going gets tough, they don’t give up. They persevere. As a substitute, they devise new strategies and increase their efforts in order to succeed.

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6) Learn to appreciate pain for what it can do for you.

The world’s most successful people have all faced significant challenges along the way. The most difficult events might help you define what you want and what you don’t want in life. This didn’t work,” can be said in many ways, among them failure, disappointment, and even dead ends. It just didn’t work for me. So, what exactly am I looking for?

Always keep in mind that our bodies were made to be flexible. In order to discover more about who you are and what you truly need in life, embrace your inner power. When you’re confronting a terrible event or feel ready to yield into fear, consider someone you like who experienced adversity – they wouldn’t have attained the achievements they currently have without learning how to quit living in fear.

7) Use self-care techniques

The ability to control your emotions and shift your perspective is a psychological skill, but did you know that the psychological may also be physically acquired? Next time you feel like you’re living in fear, alter your posture and adopt a “power pose.” As a result, you may feel more confident and less afraid.

Other self-care practices might have an impact on your mood. Physical activity has been shown to lessen sadness and anxiety, so the next time you feel fear creeping in, get outside and go for a walk, practice yoga, or go biking. mindfulness meditation has been shown to reduce blood pressure as well as alleviate stress and anxiety. Avoiding coffee and alcohol is another important self-care technique for managing anxiety. When you mix physical and psychological self-care, you have the prescription for how to quit living in fear.

8) Switch to an abundant mindset.

Positive emotions and fear do not get along. You can’t be fearful and happy at the same time, or scared and at ease. You can’t experience fear and appreciation at the same moment, either – but you may substitute one with the other. Gratitude dispels anxiety and attracts more of both. As a result, you change your emphasis away from the bad. Where concentration goes, energy flows, so when you adjust your mentality in this way, you discover that you automatically bring more optimism – and less fear – into your life.

Adopting an abundant attitude is important to uncovering how to quit living in fear. Keep a gratitude notebook, meditate, visualize, come up with incantations that empower you, and more to help you achieve your goal. You’ll be armed with a tremendous arsenal of tools when you’re feeling nervous or fearful.

9) Live in the present.

When we’re living in fear, we’re generally also living in either the past or the future. We allow our previous blunders to haunt us and influence our present choices. We live in so much fear of what may happen that we fail to enjoy what is happening. The past does not equal the future unless you live there.

Keeping in touch with toxic people and thinking back on prior relationships has never been simpler than it is now when everyone is so intertwined. Imagining a future romantic relationship or a dream trip are all too common while perusing the web. But these fantasies will never come true.

Stop losing out on life. Put down your phone. The computer isn’t for you anymore. Make the effort to learn a new skill. Get to know individuals in the present moment. Instead of dwelling on the negative, begin to focus on the positive.

10) Recognize that failure is a fact of life.

Despite your efforts, you must nevertheless face one reality: you will fail. As part of the process, it is inevitable. That’s something you’ll hear from just about anybody who has achieved success. When we fail, we learn from our mistakes and improve our methods of problem solving. Failure and rejection are the best teachers when it comes to learning how to bounce back and persevere in the face of adversity. Take what you’ve learned from your mistakes and apply it to improve your approach and plan the following time around. You don’t have to live in fear any more if you have the appropriate frame of mind.

You must determine that your aspirations are more important than your fear of failure if you want to learn how to quit living in fear. Face your concerns head-on and commit to being the best successful and happy version of yourself you can be starting right now.

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