7 Open Relationship Rules You Need to Beware of (If You’re Ready to Embark on One)

7 Open Relationship Rules You Need to Beware of (If You're Ready to Embark on One)
Open relationship rules

Have you ever wondered if a monogamous relationship is the only path to happiness? Or perhaps you’re curious if there’s room to redefine what a committed relationship looks like for you.

Open relationships are becoming a more recognized type of relationship, challenging the traditional marriage narrative.

But, diving into these uncharted waters requires a map to navigate the complexities of love and desire. That’s where open relationship rules come into play.

They’re the essential rules that can steer your ship clear of the rocks. Let’s set sail on this journey together and explore the rules that might just redefine your view on love and commitment.

If you’re curious about the nature of your relationship, check out our article about the different types of relationships and how to deal with them.

Rule 1: Prioritize Communication

  • Honest communication is the cornerstone of any healthy relationship, especially non-monogamous ones.
  • Proper communication can prevent a broken relationship down the line.
  • A relationship coach often emphasizes the need for an honest conversation, even about the uncomfortable topics.

In the realm of open relationships, the ability to talk openly with your primary partner cannot be overstated. It’s not just about speaking, but also about listening and truly understanding each other’s needs and feelings.

Imagine this as your relationship’s immune system; without it, everything else becomes susceptible to breakdowns.

Communication is what transforms sexual relationships from a tangled web of misunderstandings into a tapestry of mutual understanding.

Rule 2: Set Clear Boundaries

  • Healthy boundaries are key to maintaining both emotional intimacy and physical intimacy.
  • Sexual boundaries should be agreed upon to protect the sexual health of all involved.
  • Ground rules could range from who is an acceptable sexual partner to how much detail about outside relationships is shared.

Open relationship rules are not a one-size-fits-all; they’re tailor-made to suit the individuals involved. Think of it like customizing the settings on a new app – what works for one might not work for another.

Setting clear boundaries is akin to drawing a map of where you’re willing to explore together and where you’re not. It’s about finding that sweet spot where both you and your partner feel free, yet secure.

Rule 3: Understand and Manage Jealousy

  • Jealousy is a natural emotion, even in non-monogamous relationships.
  • A relationship therapist can help navigate feelings of jealousy and turn them into growth opportunities.
  • Myths suggest that jealousy is absent in open relationships, but it’s about how you manage it that counts.

Jealousy can be the silent saboteur in any type of relationship, not just open ones. But in the context of open relationship rules, it’s the monster that’s often hiding under the bed.

It’s not about eliminating this feeling; it’s about having the tools to face it head-on. A foundation of trust can turn jealousy from a stumbling block into a stepping stone.

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Rule 4: Practice Safe Sex and Health Awareness

  • Safe sex practices are non-negotiable in open relationships to maintain a healthy sex life.
  • Regular health check-ups ensure that you respect not just your health but your partners’ as well.
  • Lack of trust in this area can lead to the erosion of the essential rules that keep the relationship healthy.

Sexual connection is a significant part of open relationships, but it should never come at the cost of anyone’s health.

Imagine each sexual encounter like a shared meal; you’d want to know it’s safe for consumption, right? This rule isn’t just a recommendation; it’s a fundamental aspect of responsible non-monogamy.

Rule 5: Regular Check-ins with Your Partner

  • Quality time spent in honest conversation can strengthen emotional connections.
  • Relationship status should be an ongoing conversation, not a one-time declaration.
  • Effective communication during these check-ins can prevent a sense of trust from turning into a lack of trust.

Just like a car needs regular maintenance to run smoothly, so does your relationship. These check-ins are the pit stops where you can refuel your emotional intimacy and tweak your relationship rules.

It’s about maintaining the engine of your open relationship so that it can take you the distance.

Rule 6: Keep Other Relationships Transparent

  • Transparency with current partners builds a solid foundation of trust.
  • Personal boundaries should be respected, but secrecy can be a slippery slope.
  • Open relationships are not an excuse for one-sided open relationships where only one party is informed.

In the dance of rules in open relationships, every partner needs to hear the music. When one partner starts dancing to a tune the other can’t hear, that’s when toes get stepped on.

Transparency is the rhythm that keeps everyone moving in harmony.

Rule 7: Respect Each Other’s Time and Space

  • Mutual understanding of each other’s need for personal space is essential.
  • Balancing time between partners is a common challenge in polyamorous relationships.
  • Relationship structures can become strained without respect for quality time and space.

Time is the currency of relationships; spend it wisely, and your investment grows. But in the context of open relationships, it’s crucial to distribute this currency fairly.

It’s about ensuring that while exploring connections with others, the primary relationship doesn’t go bankrupt.

5 Fatal Mistakes to Avoid in an Open Relationship

Mistake 1: Neglecting the Primary Relationship

The primary relationship in a non-monogamous arrangement should be the anchor, the safe harbor in the unpredictable sea of love and desire. When individuals venture into open relationships, the excitement of new partners can sometimes overshadow the needs and feelings of the primary partner.

This can lead to emotional neglect, which, if left unchecked, can cause irreparable damage. Research has shown that maintaining a strong emotional connection with a primary partner is crucial rule for the stability of open relationships.

A study in the Journal of Sex Research found that emotional satisfaction with primary partners is a key component of relationship satisfaction among people in consensually non-monogamous relationships.

Mistake 2: Poor Communication

Communication is the compass that guides the ship of your relationship. Without it, you’re navigating blind. A common mistake is assuming that once the ground rules are set, the job is done. However, communication should be ongoing.

A lack of proper communication can lead to misunderstandings and resentment. Studies have highlighted the importance of communication in maintaining healthy boundaries and ensuring that all partners feel heard and respected.

According to a paper published in the Journal of Applied Philosophy, open dialogue about desires, experiences, and emotions is essential for ethical non-monogamous relationships.

Mistake 3: Ignoring Jealousy

Jealousy is often treated as the forbidden emotion in open relationships, but it’s a natural response that can surface even in the most secure of arrangements.

Ignoring it can lead to a buildup of negative feelings. A study from the Journal of Social and Personal Relationships indicates that communication about jealousy is vital in non-monogamous relationships and can actually strengthen trust and intimacy when addressed openly and honestly.

Mistake 4: Disregarding Sexual Health

A fatal mistake in open relationships is becoming lax about sexual health. Every new sexual partner increases the network of potential health risks, making regular testing and transparent conversations about sexual health non-negotiable.

The American Journal of Public Health published findings that show the importance of sexual health practices in reducing the incidence of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) in populations engaged in non-monogamous relationships.

Mistake 5: Failing to Re-evaluate Relationship Rules

What works at the beginning of an open relationship may not hold true as time goes on. Relationships are dynamic, and the rules that govern them should be too.

Failing to regularly reassess and adjust your relationship rules can lead to a rigid structure that doesn’t accommodate the evolving needs of all partners.

A study in the Journal of Marriage and Family suggests that flexibility and adaptability are key components in the success of non-monogamous relationships. 

False Myths on “Open Relationships & Their Rules”

Open relationships often fall victim to a myriad of misconceptions that can skew the public’s understanding of this type of relationship.

Excuse for Infidelity

One of the most pervasive myths is that open relationships are simply an excuse for infidelity or a sign of commitment issues.

However, this couldn’t be further from the truth. Open relationships require a high level of commitment to honest communication and mutual understanding. Partners in these relationships often engage in deeper levels of emotional intimacy as they navigate the complexities together.

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Will Leave You Emotionally Unfulfilled

Another common misconception is that open relationships are inherently unsatisfying and that those who partake in them are left feeling emotionally unfulfilled.

Research, however, suggests that satisfaction in any relationship, open or otherwise, hinges more on the quality of the connection and the effort put into maintaining the relationship rather than the relationship structure itself.

Absence of Jealousy

It’s also falsely believed that jealousy is absent in open relationships. In reality, jealousy can occur just like in monogamous relationships, but the difference lies in how it is managed.

Those in open relationships often develop tools and strategies for dealing with jealousy in a constructive manner, which can actually enhance trust and intimacy between partners.

In essence, open relationships defy the traditional marriage or monogamous marriage model not out of a lack of love or fear of commitment, but from a place of honesty and a desire to forge a unique path that honors the needs and wants of all individuals involved.

Dispelling these myths is crucial for a broader understanding and acceptance of the diverse ways in which people can experience love and commitment.

What a Relationship Coach Says

We asked relationship coach James Bauer to share his thoughts on “rules in open relationships”:

When it comes to navigating the waters of open relationships, I’ve seen it all—the good, the bad, and the ugly. So, let’s get right into the heart of the matter.

The most important rules in open romantic relationships?

Well, they revolve around communication and boundaries. It’s all about laying down those emotional boundaries right from the get-go.

You’ve got to be crystal clear about what you’re comfortable with and what’s a no-go zone.

Now, as for the fatal pitfalls, the biggest one I see time and time again is neglecting those intimate connections with your primary partner.

It’s easy to get caught up in the excitement of new connections, but if you’re not careful, you can lose the very foundation you’re building on.

 “Open relationships are like gardens; they require regular tending to thrive. Neglect them, and the weeds can take over before you know it.”

So, whether you’re just dipping your toes into the open relationship pool or you’re a seasoned swimmer, keep these tips in mind.

Stay open, stay honest, and keep those connections with your partner(s) strong. 


We’ve charted the course through the seven essential rules for embarking on an open relationship.

By understanding and implementing these guidelines, individuals can navigate the complexities of different types of relationships while maintaining a strong foundation in their current relationship.

Whether exploring relationship anarchy or adhering to established marriage rules, the key to success lies in unwavering trust and open communication.

As we wrap up our discussion, it’s important to remember that each couple’s journey is unique, and the rules may vary based on personal preferences and the current situation.

Ultimately, open relationships offer the opportunity for growth, exploration, and deepening connections when approached with respect, honesty, and understanding.

Can We Help? Speak To An Online Therapist Now

For immediate assistance, contact a specialized therapist to learn more about your situation and receive empathetic support.

Because of the lower cost, better convenience, and flexible scheduling methods, more people are turning to virtual therapy platforms like BetterHelp to seek treatment for mental heal concerns.

Via the site, you may make your own schedule and pick between phone, video, and live chat sessions.

In addition to the advantages of online counseling, you may find it to be more beneficial than in-person counseling.

According to one study, 71% of participants favored internet-based therapy approaches over traditional ones, and some reported improved quality of life and symptom reduction.

Get matched with a therapist online.

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