Relationship Expert James Bauer: Who Is The Love Coach Everyone’s Talking About?

Who is James Bauer?
Who is James Bauer?

Let me introduce you to relationship expert James Bauer if you haven’t already.

He mends broken relationships and saves love when all seems lost.

“Bauer, James Bauer,” the secret love coach, is reporting for duty.

And he’s ready to use his hero instinct to extinguish doubts, fears, and unrequited love for good.

Bauer’s book His Secret Obsession teaches readers how to attract, keep, and solve relationship problems.

Bauer is your man if you want a powerful ally on your side who can solve your love troubles.

Bauer’s discovery of the hero impulse has caused a revolution in the realm of love and relationships. Other dating coaches and relationship specialists were left out of the equation.

Because Bauer shattered their entire business paradigm.

He has salvaged countless of relationships by revealing what the hero instinct is and how to trigger it.

James Bauer: The “Secret Love Coach”

For decades, James Bauer worked as a relationship coach, guiding women and couples through difficult times in their relationships.

To understand what makes men and women tick, he examined evolutionary psychology, mating rituals, and the cultural and scientific settings of attraction and romance.

Bauer’s reputation as a dating coach grew as a result of his track record.

People sought his assistance because he actually knew what was wrong in their love lives and how to fix it.

Bauer teaches women how to “be irresistible” and entice men to commit.

The secret is to activate the all-powerful hero impulse rather than pushing, cajoling, or deceiving.

Bauer’s study of what makes men tick is incredibly convincing, and I know it’s proven true in my love life (it’s not only sports, drinking, and bedroom fun).

I have to give James Bauer a lot of credit for transforming my man from a Romeo on the field to a one-woman man entirely committed to me.

To view James Bauer’s most popular video, click here (it reveals his famous concept, the hero instinct).

Is His Secret Obsession worth it?

Bauer’s seminal book, His Secret Obsession, describes the hero instinct and how to trigger it.
I’ve read it twice myself.

His Secret Obsession is not a thriller, but it captured my attention. That’s because it finally gave me the answers I needed to figure out my big, strong guy and what was going on in his heart.

The book was simple to understand but not evident to me.

Some of what Bauer says is counterintuitive and goes against what I would have expected. But it was effective.

The hero instinct 12-word text summarizes everything, however the “heart” of what Bauer teaches is a bit lengthier.

It is about how to trigger and maintain the hero impulse.

Doing one or two things correctly is excellent, but it will not last.

To do so, you must be proactive. Bauer provides a clear and comprehensive introduction to the hero instinct, specifically what it is and how to keep it alive and healthy.

It worked for me and my boyfriend!

You may also like: 10 Proven Steps to Make Him Chase You (And Fatal Mistakes to Avoid)

Allowing him to be your hero

The hero instinct is exactly as it sounds. It’s a man’s primal drive to be a hero.

Men have less opportunities to do this in society or at work these days, and as a woman, you have the opportunity to let his hero flag fly.

Triggering the hero instinct is all about awakening men’s innate desire to protect and provide for their wives.

It’s effortless and powerful when done spontaneously. And it results in long-term attraction and bonding.

Among the most important lessons Bauer teaches are:

(To watch an outstanding free video by James himself, go here for a clear explanation of James Bauer’s top lessons.)

1) Ask for help

The first step in triggering the hero instinct is to ask for help.

Men do not want to be perceived as domineering or desperate, which is why you must make it obvious to them that you need their help.

It could be as simple as taking your car in for an oil change or helping you lift some boxes, but try your hardest to make whatever you ask help bring out his “masculine” side.

Even if he doesn’t know how to fix automobiles or plant your front yard, he can assist you lift a few things or inspect a leaky pipe.

Give him the opportunity to demonstrate his manly side, and his hero instinct will swell.

2) Being there for your man

Celebrate your man for the macho things he does and says whenever feasible.

He’ll bask in that womanly affection and approval.

His primordial man needs to be recognized as a man, and once that happens, he rises to the occasion and becomes very invested.

Every man, deep down, desires a lady who will do this for him. Be his strongest supporter and cheer him on.

Better you than another lady who kidnaps him.

3) Keep it cool

Some women take the hero instinct too seriously.

They are helicopter girlfriends or wives that continually ask their man to do minor duties.

Don’t be like them.

You must use your hero instinct in a more subtle and low-key manner. Allow his manly nature to emerge spontaneously.

It may seem slowly at first, but once he realizes he has permission to express his dominating side, your man will be totally committed.

4) Having his back to his friends

Another major theme addressed in His Secret Obsession is peer validation.

That’s the approval and confidence a person gets from knowing he’s valued by his friends and colleagues.

As his girlfriend, you have an important part in building him up in front of his friends and ensuring he receives a lot of support.

When a man realizes that his lady has his back not only at home but also in public, he feels a strong feeling of pride and commitment.

That’s the kind of attractive women he wants by his side when the chips are down.

5) Allowing him to treat you properly

We live in an era when women are encouraged to be completely self-sufficient.

That has its perks, to be sure, but it will not turn on a red-blooded male.

He want a lady who requires and craves him.

He wants to be able to spoil and look after you with thoughtful gifts, back rubs, and tiny affectionate gestures.

As a result, you may have to make a concerted effort to let him look after you.

When you allow him to treat you well and indulge you on occasion, his man brain receives the message: this is OK.

is my woman, and I must protect her.
Watch the free hero instinct video by clicking here>>

6) Support his masculine interests

Your man’s interests could be as diverse as the ocean. Encourage him to pursue one or two that are traditionally macho or male.

An interest in restoring ancient houses or forming a pickup baseball league are two examples.

Tell him to go for it, and provide him suggestions and assistance in making his passions a reality.

Embracing his macho nature will naturally cause him to become more forceful and confident.

It will bring out his inner hero in his and your lives (and in the bedroom). Boom.

7) Assuring him that he is the only one

Men want to feel valued in a tangible and meaningful sense.

When you trigger their hero instinct, it is based on their genuine belief that you regard them as your one and only.

If they believe they are being used or exploited, they will lose interest rapidly.

Make it clear to him that he is your only one and that you cherish and love him. He’ll repay your kindness.

The bottom line is…

His Secret Obsession is authentic and legit.

My player partner became a one-woman man as a result of that (the woman is me). I’m convinced it can do the same for your relationship.

James Bauer isn’t merely a theoretical figure. He is a relationship psychologist with years of expertise.

He’s been in the midst of some of the most difficult relationship problems you can imagine, and he’s helped the majority of these couples get through it.

His views are not abstract; they are grounded in reality.

Bauer has the framework to transform your relationship from a tired joke to a thriving romance.

Give him a chance and allow him to save your relationship!

I strongly advise you to watch this free film about James Bauer’s hero instinct here.

The video covers the hero instinct in detail and how to keep it triggered and activated. If you do it correctly, you will have a lifetime of love.

Here is the link once more.

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