These texts will make him chase you: 10 proven tricks unveiled

These texts will make him chase you: 10 proven tricks unveiled
What text will make him chase you

Have you ever wondered what text will make him chase you?

Picture this: a single message, carefully crafted, that has the power to ignite a spark and set off a chase as thrilling as a moonlit game of tag.

It’s not just a fantasy. In my many years as a keen observer of relationship dynamics, I’ve seen the right words work wonders.

I’m Claire Delli Santi, and I invite you to join me in uncovering the 10 proven tricks that will transform your texting game and make him yearn for more.

Let’s dive in and explore these magnetic messages together.

If you wish to dig deeper into the art of attracting the right man into your life, be sure to also check out the article we dedicated to how to get a man to chase you.

1. The Tease without the Cheese

Navigating the delicate balance between playful banter and cringe-worthy clichés can be likened to an art form.

The key lies in crafting flirty text messages that pique interest without veering into the realm of over-the-top.

Remember, the aim is to engage in a flirty game that’s all in good fun. For instance, instead of the overused “Did it hurt when you fell from heaven?” try something more grounded yet intriguing, like “I bet you have a story behind that smile.”

This texting approach maintains the chase, keeping you firmly in his thoughts as someone who’s both witty and worth pursuing.

Tip: Use humor smartly; a funny text that’s unexpected can be a refreshing change from the usual pick-up lines.

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2. Confidence is Key: Crafting Texts That Show Your Worth

Imagine sending a text that’s as confident as a power suit in a room full of casual attire—it stands out. It’s not just about the content of your texts but the conviction behind them.

For example, a message like “I’ve got an exciting story from today, but I’ll only share if you’re lucky enough” radiates confidence and sets the tone for an engaging conversation.

As relationship experts teach us, confidence is one of the most attractive traits in a partner.

By texting with assurance, you’re not just waiting for him to take notice—you’re compelling him to.

Learn more about what men find irresistible.

Tip: Be bold in your messaging; let each text reflect your self-assurance and unique personality.

3. Mystery: The Spice of Textual Life

Ah, mystery – it’s the secret ingredient that can transform a mundane message exchange into an alluring game of cat and mouse.

Imagine sending a text that hints at a new hobby you’ve picked up, like “Guess who just took up salsa dancing?”.

It’s a tease, a puzzle for him to solve, which makes the conversation far more engaging than a simple rundown of your daily routine.

This kind of messaging encourages him to think of you and keeps the ‘what text will make him chase you’ question alive in his mind.

Also, it’s not just what you say; it’s what you don’t say. Leaving out the details of your salsa dancing partner or the story behind your sudden interest in dance creates a compelling narrative gap he’ll be eager to fill.

Tip: Craft texts that are like a vivid dream – they should intrigue and leave him yearning to uncover the reality.

4. First Mover Advantage: Initiating with Impact

Taking the initiative to text first can be as thrilling as the first move in a chess game – it sets the pace and opens up a world of possibilities.

But it’s not just about reaching out; it’s how you reach out that counts. Instead of the usual “Hey, how’s it going?”, why not dive into something more personal? Share a snippet from your bucket list or an anecdote from your day that’s sure to spark his interest.

For instance, “You won’t believe the little adventure I had today,” followed by a pause, invites him into your narrative and naturally incites his curiosity.

It’s a strategic move that not only grabs attention. It also positions you as someone who leads an intriguing life, someone worth pursuing.

Tip: Be the real deal; initiate with texts that are genuine and reflective of your true interests and experiences.

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5. Surprise Factor: Texts That Tease His Curiosity

Who doesn’t love a good surprise? In the world of texting, unexpected messages are the treasure troves that keep the ‘what text will make him chase you’ quest thrilling.

Imagine sending a text about a spontaneous road trip you’ve just decided to take, “Guess who’s hitting the road to the coast on a whim?”. It’s intriguing and prompts a volley of questions.

Or perhaps, you send a playful, ambiguous text like, “I’ve got a secret that involves you,” and leave it at that.

The key is to sprinkle in surprises that tease his curiosity and compel him to learn more, keeping him hooked and eager for your next message.

Tip: Craft a message that’s like finding an unexpected note in a book – it should spark excitement and curiosity.

The #1 Secret Most Women Ignore

Here comes a powerful yet little-known principle.

Men’s primal instinct, known as the “hero instinct“, refers to a powerful innate drive within men to feel like “heroes” in their relationships. I’m not talking about superheroes here, of course.

It is a deep-rooted desire to protect, provide, and be needed by their partners. By understanding and triggering this instinct, you can create an intense emotional connection with your man and make him crave you on a deeper level.

Relationship coach James Bauer has developed a simple, science-based principle. A 12-word text concept that taps into this instinct, but many women are unaware of its existence.

James Bauer offers a brief instructional video that explains this principle in an engaging and easy-to-understand manner. By watching this video, you’ can gain’ll learn how to trigger your man’s hero instinct and ignite the chase, also through texts.

Click here to play the video

6. Your Life, Your Narrative: Showcasing Your Independence

Independence isn’t just a state of being; it’s a narrative that’s incredibly attractive in the texting game.

When you text about your latest solo adventure or a project you’re excited about, you’re showing that you’re not waiting around.

For example, “Just finished my pottery class and created something amazing!” can showcase your creativity and individuality.

This kind of message demonstrates that you’re living a full social life, which is inherently attractive. It’s not about boasting, but rather sharing the colorful pieces of your life puzzle, inviting him to be a part of it without needing him to complete it.

Tip: Share parts of your life that make you proud, reflecting your independent spirit and zest for life.

7. Challenge Him: Texts That Provoke Action

A dash of playful competition can be just the catalyst needed in the intricate dance of digital courtship.

By sending texts that challenge him, you’re tapping into his innate desire for achievement and recognition.

For example, a text saying, “Bet you can’t guess the theme of the book I’m reading,” can provoke his curiosity and playfulness.

It’s a simple yet effective way to engage him in a light-hearted contest that’s less about winning and more about connecting. Such challenges can spice up the conversation and keep the dynamic between you both lively and engaging.

Tip: Pose a fun challenge related to his interests; it’s an invitation to play that’s hard to resist.

8. The Art of Subtlety: Crafting Messages That Intrigue Without Overwhelm

Subtlety in texting is akin to the art of a well-timed pause in a captivating speech.

It’s the space between the lines that holds the power, compelling the reader to seek out the unsaid and yearn for more.

Crafting a message that hints at an interesting development in your life, like “You’ll never guess what I discovered today…” invites him to inquire further without giving away the full tale.

It’s a delicate balance, but when done right, it can create a magnetic pull towards you, as he eagerly awaits the next piece of the puzzle you’re willing to share.

Tip: Use subtlety to build intrigue; a text with an unfinished story invites engagement and discovery.

Texting Pitfalls to Steer Clear Of When Making Him Chase You

The Texting Tipping Point

There’s a fine line between being engaging and becoming overwhelming in the world of texting.

Sending a barrage of text messages can quickly turn from flirty to suffocating, making the chase feel like an obligation rather than a playful adventure.

A good rule of thumb is to mirror his texting pace. This keeps the digital dialogue balanced and prevents the dreaded double-texting dilemma.

Remember, flirty texts should be like a sprinkle of seasoning, not the whole spice jar. Aim for quality over quantity, crafting messages that are thoughtful and leave room for him to come to you.

Tip: Keep your texts like a tantalizing treat, scarce enough to be desired but satisfying when received.

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Predictability Kills Curiosity

Predictability in texting is the silent killer of excitement.

It’s essential to mix up the routine; a funny text out of the blue, a seductive text when he least expects it, or a thought-provoking question that piques his interest.

These are the types of texts that keep the chase alive. By keeping him on his toes, you’re not just another contact in his phone—you’re the message he looks forward to.

Remember, even in the digital age, absence makes the heart grow fonder. Let him wonder when he’ll hear from you next and what delightful message you’ll send.

Tip: Break the pattern with a spontaneous text that shows you’re not just following the texting rules, but rewriting them.

Misinterpreting the Digital Cues

Navigating the digital landscape of texting can sometimes feel like trying to read a map with no legend.

Without the benefit of vocal tone or body language, it’s all too easy to misinterpret the intention behind flirty texts or innocent texts.

A misread message can quickly escalate to a full-blown misunderstanding. This is where emojis become your allies, providing visual cues to accompany your words and ensure your playful banter is received as intended.

Furthermore, if a text from him seems ambiguous, it’s perfectly acceptable to seek clarification. A simple, “What did you mean by that?” can save you both from unnecessary confusion.

Also, consider the option he may be testing you.

Tip: Use emojis to add clarity to your flirty messages, and remember, it’s okay to ask for clarification when you need it.

Overanalyzing His Texts

We’ve all been there, staring at the screen, analyzing a text as if it were a cryptic message from an alien civilization.

But let’s be real—most texts aren’t meant to be deciphered like ancient runes. They’re just texts. If he sends a simple “morning babe,” it’s likely just his way of saying hello, not a coded message laden with hidden meaning.

It’s important to stay grounded and not let your imagination run wild with every message. After all, healthy relationships are built on clear communication, not a series of best guesses and hypotheticals.

So, keep it light, keep it fun, and remember that sometimes a text is just a text.

Tip: Embrace the simplicity of texting and avoid the temptation to overanalyze—your peace of mind will thank you.

Losing Yourself in the Chase

Getting caught up in the texting game can be exhilarating, but it’s crucial to maintain your sense of self.

If you find yourself constantly checking your phone or crafting your social life around his text messages, it might be time to step back and refocus on what makes you happy outside of your phone’s screen.

Remember, no amount of flirty texts should compromise your self-esteem or personal values.

Whether you’re indulging in a vivid dream about your future or planning your next bucket list adventure, your texts should be an extension of your rich, real-life experiences, not a substitute for them.

Tip: Balance your texting with activities that enrich your life; it keeps you grounded and interesting.


Well, there you have it, my fellow texters. Our journey through the art of texting to make him chase you. Complete with the do’s, don’ts, and the “Did I really just send that?” moments.

As someone who’s watched the dating process unfold from every angle, I can tell you that the right words can make you feel like the most beautiful person in the chat history.

Whether it’s a “morning handsome” that brightens his day or the perfectly timed genuine compliment, it’s all about making that special person smile via text and, yes, maybe even chase you a little.

I hope these tips, from creative texts to the power of a 12-word text, have added some new moves to your repertoire. If you’ve had a laugh or an “aha” moment, I’d love to hear about it.

So, go ahead, share your thoughts or a cheeky anecdote below. Let’s keep weaving the tapestry of connection together, one “send” button at a time.

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