The best 12 pieces of life advice from 35,000+ community members

The best 12 pieces of life advice we collected from our 35k+ community members
Best advice for life

Ever wondered why some folks seem to have it all figured out? That’s what we dug into at Son Of Universe, a community where the curious come together to find clarity and connection.

We’re all about sharing the best advice for life, the kind that’s been lived and learned.

So, we reached out to our 35,000-strong family, a vibrant mix of souls from the US, Canada, UK, and Australia, aged 35 to 85, and asked them one simple question: “What’s the best life lesson you’ve learned?”

Now, I’m Andy Force, the guy who started this whole shebang, and I’ve been knee-deep in the world of self-improvement for over two decades.

Stick with me, and let’s unwrap the wisdom that’s been simmering in the hearts of thousands.

1. The Joy of Not Chasing Happiness

Ever noticed that when you stop looking for something, it finds you? Happiness is a bit like that.

In our quest at Son Of Universe, we’ve seen time and again that the best advice for life is to ease off the happiness hunt. Instead, savor the current moment, the little joys, and the people around you.

It’s about letting go of the pursuit and trusting that happiness will come. After all, isn’t life about the journey, not the destination?

So next time you’re feeling down, remember, it’s okay. Happiness often comes when you least expect it.

Tip: Chill out on the happiness hustle. Enjoy the ride, and you might just end up where you want to be.

2. Embracing Life’s Imbalances

Think about it: does a seesaw stay level? Nope, and neither does life. At Son Of Universe, we’ve embraced the ebb and flow of life’s imbalances.

It’s about prioritizing what matters most, whether that’s your dream career, family life, or a daring life adventure.

Sure, other parts might take a backseat, but that’s the beauty of it. Life is messy, unpredictable, and that’s okay. It’s about making peace with the chaos and finding your own unique balance.

So, let’s toast to the imbalances that make life worth living.

Tip: Forget perfect balance. Find your own rhythm, and dance to it—even if it’s offbeat.

3. The Power of Presence

“Live in the moment,” they say, and boy, do they have a point.

Our members often preach about the power of presence. It’s more than just showing up; it’s about immersing yourself in the here and now.

When you’re truly present, worries about the future or regrets from the past start to fade away. And that’s when life gets a bit brighter. Like when you actually listen to a friend, and they say, “You’re really here for me.”

That’s presence. Even science nods in agreement, suggesting that mindfulness can lower stress and improve mental health.

Tip: Next time your thoughts drift to tomorrow’s worries, pause and look around. Name what you see, hear, and feel. It’s like a ‘reset’ button for your brain. In my opinion, one of the top life advices on our list.

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4. The Art of Letting Go

Have you ever tried to control everything? It’s like trying to hold onto a bunch of balloons in the wind. Seems like our community members have learned that letting go can actually be liberating.

It’s not about giving up, but about accepting that some things just aren’t in your playbook. It’s about trusting the flow of life.

When you release the need to control, you open yourself up to a new kind of freedom. And there’s a bonus: research shows that letting go can lead to lower stress levels and a happier life.

Read why how “giving up” to find happiness in life my be a smarter option than you think.

Tip: Next time you feel the need to control, clench your fists, then slowly open them. Imagine your worries floating away like balloons.

Hidden Gem 1: The Unseen Strength of Vulnerability

Here’s our first “hidden gem” of best life advice I thought you’d love to learn about. Vulnerability might seem like a weakness, but it’s actually a hidden gem, a strength that’s often unseen.

Our members at Son Of Universe seem to champion the courage it takes to be vulnerable.

When you peel back the layers and show your true self, you create space for deeper connections.

It’s like what Brené Brown says,

“Vulnerability is the birthplace of innovation, creativity, and change.”

Embracing your imperfections can lead to personal growth and stronger bonds with others. So, go ahead, share your story, your struggles, and watch as it inspires and resonates with those around you.

Tip: Feeling hesitant? Share something small and personal to start building that bridge of connection.

5. Authenticity as a Compass

In the maze of life, authenticity is your compass. It guides you through the twists and turns, helping you navigate with confidence.

Our Son Of Universe family has discovered that being true to oneself isn’t just a feel-good phrase; it’s a way of life.

It’s about aligning your actions with your values, like Shakespeare wrote,

“To thine own self be true.”

When you live authentically, you’re not swayed by every passing trend or opinion. You stand firm in your identity, and that’s where true contentment lies.

Tip: If you’re unsure about a decision, ask yourself: Does this reflect who I am? Let that answer guide you.

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6. The Lifelong Learner’s Mindset

Have you ever wondered why some people seem to stay young in their hearts and minds?

It’s because they’re lifelong learners. Just like our Son Of Universe pals, they’re always hungry for knowledge.

They know that curiosity is the engine of achievement. It keeps the brain buzzing and ideas flowing. Plus, it’s fun to learn new stuff!

Albert Einstein once said, “Once you stop learning, you start dying.” So, whether it’s picking up a book, exploring nature, or asking ‘why’ a million times, keep that spark alive.

Tip: Challenge yourself to learn one new thing each day. It could be as simple as a word in a new language!

Hidden Gem 2: The Subtle Power of Daily Rituals

Think about the tiny habits that shape your day. Those daily rituals? They’re like secret spells for a better life.

Our Son Of Universe family swears by them. A morning jog, five minutes of meditation, or jotting down what you’re thankful for can work wonders. It’s amazing how these little acts, done over time, can transform your life.

They’re the quiet heroes of self-care. As Annie Dillard famously said, “How we spend our days is, of course, how we spend our lives.”

Tip: Pick one small positive action and do it every day. Watch it become a part of who you are.

7. The Courage to Change Course

Sometimes, you just know deep down that you need a new direction.

Like when my friend Jamie realized her job wasn’t making her happy. She was scared but decided to go back to school. And guess what? She’s now loving her new career as a nurse.

It’s like that saying by C.S. Lewis:

“You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream.”

It’s all about listening to that little voice inside you. When it whispers for change, be brave and take a leap.

Tip: Feeling stuck? Sketch out your dream path, then take one small step towards it. It’s your journey.

8. The Serenity of Acceptance

Ever noticed how trying to control everything is like trying to hold onto water? It just doesn’t work.

My uncle Rob taught me that. He spent years fighting a losing battle with his health until he learned to accept his limits. And you know what? He found peace.

It’s like the Serenity Prayer says: accept the things you cannot change.

Our community members agree that acceptance lets you move on to what you can change. It’s about knowing when to let go and when to hold on tight.

Tip: Next time you’re wrestling with something you can’t change, take a deep breath and imagine letting it go. Feel the weight lift off your shoulders.

Hidden Gem 3: The Freedom in Forgiveness

Then comes our third “hidden gem” of best life advice, which I’m sure you’ll like. Forgiveness might seem tough, but it’s like opening a window after a long winter.

It lets the fresh air in and clears out the stuffy room. Our friends have found that when you forgive, you’re not saying what happened was okay.

You’re saying you’re okay moving on.

It’s like Maya Angelou said, “It’s one of the greatest gifts you can give yourself, to forgive.” Imagine carrying a backpack full of rocks. Forgiveness is setting that heavy bag down.

Tip: Write a letter of forgiveness, even if you never send it. Feel the weight lift with every word.

You may also like: Can’t Forgive Yourself? Here’s How to Move On

9. The Balance of Giving and Receiving

You know how good it feels to get a surprise gift? And how awesome it feels to give one?

That’s the sweet spot we’re talking about.

Giving and receiving isn’t just about presents—it’s about kindness, help, and love. It’s like a game of catch. You toss the ball, they toss it back. If you only toss and never catch, or catch and never toss, the game doesn’t work. It’s all about balance.

Tip: Next time you help someone, let them help you too. It’s okay to be on both sides of the game.

10. The Wisdom of Building Resilience

Resilience is like a superpower. It’s what helps you get back up when life knocks you down. Think of it like a tree that bends in the wind but doesn’t break.

Our friends have realized that tough times are going to happen, but they don’t have to knock you out.

Like the Japanese proverb says,

“Fall seven times, stand up eight.”

It’s all about learning from the hard stuff and bouncing back with a smile.

Tip: Remember, every challenge is a chance to get stronger. Don’t shy away from them; embrace them.

Hidden Gem 4: The Beauty of Imperfect Progress

Nobody’s perfect, and that’s okay! Our journey is full of twists and turns, and that’s what makes it special.

Our pals have seen that even when you trip up or take a detour, you’re still moving forward.

Like Leonard Cohen sang, “There is a crack in everything, that’s how the light gets in.”

So, don’t worry if your progress isn’t flawless. It’s the effort and growth that count, not just the shiny success at the end.

Tip: Celebrate every little victory along the way. Each one is a step towards your goal, no matter how small.

11. The Gift of Gratitude

Gratitude is like a magic potion for your heart and mind. It’s not just saying ‘thank you’ for the big stuff. It’s also about noticing the small joys, like a sunny day or a smile from a friend.

Our friends have noticed that when they count their wins, big and small, life feels fuller. There’s science behind it too.

Studies show that gratitude can improve your mood and even your health. So, grab a notebook, jot down the good stuff, and watch as the world looks a little brighter.

Tip: Keep a gratitude journal. Write three things you’re thankful for each night, and feel your spirits lift.

Learn more about how to practice gratitude effectively.

12. The Clarity of Setting Boundaries

Setting boundaries is like drawing a treasure map for your personal peace. It’s not about being mean or selfish. It’s about knowing your limits and respecting them.

Our friends have found that clear boundaries help them stay true to themselves.

And guess what? People respect you more for it. It’s okay to say no to things that drain you. That way, you have more energy for the things you love. Remember, it’s you

r life, and you’re the captain of your ship.

Tip: Practice saying ‘no’ without feeling guilty. It’s a powerful word that protects your well-being.

Read more here: Always Putting Others Before Yourself? 8 Signs To Tell It’s Too Much + What To Do

The Wrap Up

We’ve journeyed through the best advice for life, from embracing the now to the power of a simple ‘thank you.’

Each nugget of wisdom is a thread in the tapestry of a well-lived life. Remember, these aren’t just tips; they’re life lessons from thousands who’ve walked the path. So, take these insights, weave them into your days, and watch how your life begins to change.

And hey, if you’ve enjoyed this chat, drop a comment or share your own slice of life advice. Let’s keep the conversation going, and the wisdom flowing. 


What’s the best life advice?

The best advice for life often boils down to embracing resilience and gratitude. It’s about learning life lessons from bad times and not letting negative people dictate your happiness. A wise piece of advice is to take a deep breath and focus on what truly enriches your life.

What’s the best advice you have ever been given?

The finest advice I’ve received is to treat time as a non-renewable resource. Avoiding the waste of time with negative people or in pursuits that don’t align with your 10-year time horizon can lead to a more fulfilled and daring life.

What’s the best life advice that someone gave you?

One piece of life advice that stands out is to surround yourself with people who reflect the person you want to be. Whether it’s family life or a dream career, the company you keep can influence your daily actions and shape your human experience.

What are the golden advices in life?

Golden advices in life include: prioritize mental health, maintain dignity and respect, and overcome self-limiting beliefs. Embrace challenges in life as opportunities for growth, and remember that choosing yourself first isn’t selfish—it’s necessary for a healthy and happy life.

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