What To Say To A Cheating Husband (Leave or Stay?): 15 Things To Know

Discussing what to say to a cheating husband
Discussing what to say to a cheating husband

It might be devastating to find out that your husband has cheated on you. Even harder is confronting him about the same. This post is for you if you’re wondering what to say to your cheating husband.

Any spouse’s worst nightmare is infidelity. When your husband cheats on you, you experience a range of emotions. 

At the same time, you feel let down, betrayed, and disappointed. Before approaching your husband, you must, however, control your emotions. Continue reading as we explain how to handle this challenging circumstance.

But first, I want you to read this story very attentively before we move on to the list.

I squandered a lot of time in relationships with men who weren’t genuinely interested in me.

I had a tremendously hard time leaving a lasting impression on the guys I liked.

I thought I would never find a man who truly loved me for who I am!

Before I discovered a significant part of male psychology that influences how men feel about the love interests in their lives.

It’s known as the “Hero’s Instinct,” a primitive way of thinking that seems to have a significant influence on most males.

When I figured out how to induce this psychological response, my luck with guys completely changed. I was able to give them a sense of belonging that no other lady could (read my personal story to learn more).

Once you know how, it’s simple to learn this talent. But so few people appear to be aware of it.

I strongly advise you to read more about how I came to understand the power of the “Hero’s Instinct” if you’re wanting to win over a special guy.

Now let’s dive into how to approach your husband and what you should be focusing on.

A Cheating Husband: 15 Things to Say

Although there are many distinct reasons why people cheat, a lack of personal standards is the main culprit. Do your best not to place unnecessary guilt on yourself if your husband had an affair. Instead, consider the most insightful things you could possibly say to your cheating lover to learn the truth.

This post is also for you if you’re unsure about how to move forward with a cheating husband. It focuses on the typical problems that couples have and how to gather the information you need to deal with your failing marriage.

1) Do you realize that you’ve hurt me?

You must be in a lot of emotional pain if your husband is cheating. However, some men might not be aware of the impact of their behavior on their relationships. If your partner is aware of the suffering they have caused, it is one of the things you should strive to find out. Your partner’s genuine feelings for you will be revealed by the response to this question.

Don’t let anger get in the way of this stage. Your partner would be hesitant to respond if you used a loud voice or attempted to be forceful. Rather, ask him politely. You may be sure you’ll get the most genuine reaction from him if you follow this procedure. His lack of concern for the circumstance will unavoidably be apparent. On the other hand, you’ll be able to tell if he feels regret.

You may like: Former cheater shares the 8 signs your husband is having an affair (a candid chat with a man who’s been there)

2) Do you have any guilt?

It’s important to understand that not everyone will feel guilty after doing something wrong. Often, a person’s belief system determines whether or not they will feel guilty for a particular conduct. It’s important to ascertain whether a man who cheated on you feels regret before confronting him. His mental state will be ascertained by this procedure.

More importantly, it will assist you in understanding how to advance your marriage. It will help you focus your pain in another direction if he doesn’t feel awful about what he did. You can try to save your marriage, though, if he feels responsible. It is crucial to get clarification on your questions before moving further.

3) What follows, then?

Making a shared decision with your partner about how to proceed is always essential when dealing with infidelity in a relationship. Don’t decide anything on your own or decide to ignore anything. Nevertheless, don’t assume that your spouse will ultimately concur with any course of action you may have chosen without consulting him.

You can better control your expectations by having an open dialogue about the issue. Even if you independently discovered the facts, the best course of action is almost always to confront the problem head-on. It will keep you from going through more trouble or feeling too hopeful when you aren’t getting any real results.

You might hold your partner accountable for whatever decisions you make together using this technique.

4) Are you willing to work on our relationship?

This is one of the most crucial questions to ask a cheating husband, especially if you’re trying to figure out what will happen next. You must ascertain whether they are genuinely willing to improve the relationship. Never take for granted that they share your perspective. It’s important to keep in mind that, even if they can be in a fantastic position, you are the partner on the receiving end.

You need to figure out how they’re feeling because your level of sadness could not be the same as theirs. This knowledge can have an impact on many other things because they might not be concerned about fixing things. It is crucial to find out if your spouse is open to patching things up if you wish to start over after discovering their infidelity.

5) What made you do that? Why?

Why he did it is one of the most important things a wife wants to know from her unfaithful husband. She is going through a lot of emotional pain, but this explanation will help a lot. It clarifies the circumstance and aids her in understanding it. In the unlikely event that it was only a one-night stand, a wife would have little trouble understanding her partner’s infidelity.

Although this procedure doesn’t lessen the hurt caused by the affair, it can aid in her comprehension of her partner’s frailties. Therefore, do your best to get your partner to talk about the circumstances that led to his infidelity. You can also impose restrictions on the information you want to hear and limit yourself to the most important details.

6) We ought to visit a counselor.

Some relationship problems are frequently too complex to resolve without professional assistance. This is particularly valid when a husband cheats. It might be preferable to seek a therapist’s assistance if you’re attempting to communicate to him but it appears like your efforts are in vain. Recognize that using force to attempt and mend your relationship would be inappropriate.

Instead, make an effort to resolve all disputes in a mature manner. In the end, this approach will ensure and protect your wellbeing. It’s time to end the relationship if your partner objects to the concept of going to therapy and won’t agree to resolve the conflict amicably. It’s important to do what’s best for you if you want to be happy in the future.

Is it a struggle to convince him to spend time with you?

Understanding males on a much deeper emotional level is the key to finding a solution. With a few subtle comments you might make to him, you can actually modify the main reason why men react in this way.

Learn how to become his top priority in this free video by Relationship Psychologist James Bauer.

7) Did it happen before?

It simply seems reasonable to question your husband how long he has been cheating if you discover it. You can gain a better perspective by taking this step. If only it had happened once, you might have known how to manage it. You can decide the best course of action to resolve the disagreement if it is a recurring problem.

It’s important to pay attention to your partner’s body language while you pose this question. In an effort to win you over, they might lie to you, but observing their personalities will allow you to tell the difference. However, be aware that even if your partner is being honest, the stress of the circumstance may cause them to fidget. Your results will improve if you are sensitive.

8) Does she know we are married?

It’s critical to learn if your partner’s previous mistress is aware of your existence if your partner has been having an affair with the same lady. It is conceivable to have a dishonest husband who is lying to both you and another woman while trying to hide his infidelity. However, learning the truth can put an end to all of his mischief.

If you ever interact with the other woman, having this knowledge on hand will be helpful. Furthermore, it will assist you in handling the circumstance appropriately. It’s also important to keep in mind that an unfaithful partner could make every effort to hide their trail. You will have a better advantage amidst the pandemonium if you tie up any loose ends.

9) May we discuss it?

If you want to save your marriage, this is exactly what you should tell a cheating partner. It’s a subtly effective technique to let them know they can be completely honest with you. Furthermore, you won’t criticize them for what they did. It’s important to hear their opinions on the situation. Their response will reveal whether they are motivated to mend the bond.

But during this procedure, obstacles must be put in place. If you want to avoid hearing anything that might make the problem worse, be explicit about what you want to know. Give your spouse some time if he appears reluctant to speak with you. Don’t, however, let things get out of hand. Making assumptions is much worse than having clarity.

10) What the issue was?

There is probably a good reason why a husband might cheat. The majority of the issues might be related to his personal values and beliefs. He will be unfaithful if he does not consider adultery to be a concern. So, try not to blame yourself for what your partner did. But sometimes a man will cheat, especially if he doesn’t want to deal with the problem head-on.

If you ask your partner about the root of the problem, you will gain insight into a variety of issues. It will assist you in determining whether the issue is personal or marital. Make sure your partner doesn’t gaslight you into thinking you’re the issue, though. If he doesn’t say anything specific, you can be sure that his standards are wrong.

11) Do you have a reason to stay?

For one reason or another, most cheating husbands continue to be in their marriages, which may not be advantageous to their wives. They might find enough comfort in their relationship to keep it intact. However, there is no assurance that they won’t cheat again. To assess your spouse’s intentions, you must learn why they desire to maintain the connection.

They could profess their love for you or make an impassioned speech. Nevertheless, it’s crucial to keep an eye out for their behavior. They don’t actually value you if they say one thing and act differently. It’s important to put your happiness first in these circumstances and to take care of yourself.

12) Do you feel okay?

Being sympathetic might occasionally aid spouses in repairing their marriage. Regardless of whether your partner’s actions damaged your heart, you can still strive to watch out for them. See if the circumstance is hurting your partner as much as it is you by asking him how he is doing. This kind deed may put him on the correct path and pique his interest in working on the association.

You must give your husband some space if he doesn’t respond cordially. But if he starts talking to you, pay attention to what he has to say. This procedure might strengthen your bond and assist you in solving your issues together. It will also make it easier for you to appreciate his point of view.

13) Is a relationship with her what you’re looking for?

It’s important to think about your relationship with your husband in the future if he is cheating on you. Finding out his intentions with the other woman can help you do this. Will he continue to hang out with her? Will he cut off all contact with her? How does he intend to start over with you? Many topics will become clearer as a result of these queries.

Have a conversation with him and pay close attention to what he says. Make sure he supports them with deeds as well. He shouldn’t entice you with empty promises. You can also ask him if he needs help getting away from his cheating partner. By offering assistance, he can be protected from new temptations.

14) Are you going to stop the affair?

Asking this question will reveal your partner’s readiness to restore what was lost. Your lover will stop his unlawful engagement if he feels bad about being unfaithful. He will be hesitant to put an end to the situation if he intends to cheat once more. You can find out where you stand with your partner by asking this question.

If your partner is committed to starting over with his family, he will go above and above to demonstrate this. He isn’t prepared to make things right, though, if he keeps making promises but doing nothing.

15) You’ll have to face lots of changes

You should also let your cheating husband know that fresh modifications will be made. He shouldn’t count on things returning to how they were, or he risked taking you for granted. It’s important to explain how the problem could damage the relationship and what has to be done to mend it. If your partner is committed to rebuilding, he will put in an effort.

But it’s important to approach the new adjustments realistically. Being overly demanding on your partner could cause irreparable damage. Offer the most effective solution to the issue that your partner can implement. To make sure you’re the only woman in his life is the essence of the rebuilding process.

A couple more important things you should point out

Honesty is all I need right now

This is the ideal thing to say if you think your cheating husband is trying to justify his actions. But be positive in your approach. Let him know that you won’t judge him if he shares the real story with you. It may help to further reestablish your relationship.

Try to treat him more like a best friend than merely a romantic partner. You can move closer to mending the relationship the more at ease he feels around you. However, you should determine your next course of action if your companion continues to be dishonest. You can choose whether you want to save the association or wait and try again.

Should I expect this to happen again?

If your marriage has a cheating incident, you’ll unavoidably want to know if it’ll happen again. To find out whether your husband is going to cheat again, you should ask this question. He will avoid repeating the conduct if he feels regret for the first event. On the other hand, if he responds casually, it suggests that he might lie the following time.

Keep an eye on your partner’s response to this query. If he requires assistance maintaining his pledge, you can also inquire. He’ll try to mend the relationship if he wants to keep his family safe. He might, however, require your assistance rather than that of other family members.


How does a wife handle a cheating husband?

It’s critical to have all your facts and evidence in order if your husband is a cheater. The next step is to confront them with the situation. After hearing what they have to say, decide on your course of action.

How can I get even with my cheating husband?

Even if getting even with an unfaithful husband might seem like the most logical course of action, you must always prioritize your safety. In the long run, being nasty might do more harm to you. The best compensation you can provide is to go on and become independent.

How do I approach my cheating husband?

Before addressing your cheating spouse, you should analyze the information you currently have. Consider the kind of result you intend to attain next. Select the ideal time and location, and make sure your queries are appropriate. Watch your husband’s body language even more.

How can I move on from being cheated on?

The degree of closure you receive will depend on what you say to your cheating partner. Avoid assuming anything. Ask for explanation instead. It’s also important to avoid taking responsibility for what occurred. Take care of yourself, and make progress your top priority.

Which behaviors indicate a guilty husband?

Your husband may try to overcompensate for the smallest things if they feel guilty-ridden if they avoid you, are extremely emotional or angry, or try to justify every move they perform. You can tell they feel bad about something if they do it.

Final Thoughts

Your opinion of this article? You should know that addressing these common points of pain can help you move on sooner than you thought. Please comment below or tell your friends about this story.

You think about him all the time, but he thinks only about himself?

It doesn’t mean he doesn’t like you.

He needs to be understood in his own way.

You’ll find there’s a subtle thing you can say to him that will dramatically change how he shows his emotions towards you once you do that.

Learn how to become his top priority in this free video by Relationship Psychologist James Bauer.

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